“In the Company of Men is a 1997 drama film about two men who plot to ruin a woman's life to get revenge on the female gender:
Plot: Two junior executives, Chad and Howard, are recently hurt by women and decide to get revenge on the female gender. They choose a vulnerable woman, Christine, to seduce and then dump, but things get complicated when Howard falls in love with her.
Cast: Stars Aaron Eckhart, Stacy Edwards, and Matt Malloy.
Director: Neil LaBute, who also directed Nurse Betty, Your Friends and Our Friends, and Neighbors.
Where to watch: Available on Pluto TV.”
Growing up in my hometown, Washington, DC, I was always in the company of men since I was a student in 1978. Interesting title for a movie which was released when I was 20 years old. In the television movie - In the Company of Men, Howard told Kristen about the contest that he and Chad made to go out with Kristen. It is never a good idea to play with people's feelings, lifestyle, economics or situation. That is the fastest way people are bruised, build up walls and mountains. Where did men learn that behavior? Why do men think it is good to play those kinds of games?
Marriage proposals and job promotions are not funny. Imagine yourself trapped inside a drain and you are not able to escape. How would you feel?
My demographics and love interests have nothing to do with my philosophy, but who I am as a person.
My birth in Washington D.C. occurred during a heavy political era. I love the ending of the movie when Howard shouts over and over the importance of listening.
When partners listen fully to one another it shows genuine affection and interest.