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Showing posts from September, 2024

Powerful symbol of perseverance

    The process of crafting abstract art is frequently accompanied by various hurdles, particularly the difficulty of expressing emotions and ideas through forms that do not depict reality. As I delve into the intricate interplay of color, texture, and composition, I often encounter periods of frustration that challenge my creative instincts. Nevertheless, it is my unwavering dedication to the artistic journey that enables me to overcome these difficulties, resulting in significant breakthroughs that enrich my overall artistic voice. The color blue, in its purest form, serves as a powerful symbol of perseverance. This hue embodies the essence of resilience, reflecting the determination required to continue to push through in achieving my overall vision for producing quality abstract art. As I immerse myself in utilizing the color blue, I find that it resonates deeply with my personal and professional experiences, reminding me of the strength needed to persist in the face of challenges

Simple White

  The necessity for acquiring whiteboards has diminished for me, as I ceased offering educational services back in 2018. Since that time, my focus has shifted entirely. I have been working on my branding and digital art where I utilize various digital applications to express my creativity. In this context, the color white serves a significant purpose, often representing simplicity and clarity in my artistic endeavors.    “The concept of Simple White embodies the essence of minimalism, where the purity of the color white acts as an open canvas for creativity and innovation, allowing ideas to flourish without the distractions of complexity. The color white encourages a harmonious balance between creativity and tranquility.”

Burgundy Accomplishments

    Burgundy Accomplishments. Digital art created on canvas. September 19, 2024. Afrika Abney  “The shades of red selected include crimson, burgundy and red. Frequently linked to essential qualities such as professionalism, courage, and passionate enthusiasm. As a potent emblem, red elicits intense emotions and communicates a sense of urgency and resolve. In numerous scenarios, it symbolizes the relentless pursuit of success and an unwavering dedication to achieving excellence.” Burgundy Accomplishments showcase a distinctive shade of red that symbolizes success and achievement. Some of the notable accomplishments is the successful sale of artwork to Esther Productions, Inc. in both 2022 and 2023, which has played a crucial role in fostering a robust business partnership. This collaboration not only highlights the quality of the artwork but also emphasizes the trust and reliability established between the two entities over the years. The establishment of a dedicated client base has bee

Bold Radiance

    Bold Radiance. Digital art created on canvas. September 19, 2024. Afrika Abney   Good morning, I trust that you enjoyed a peaceful evening and had a restorative night's sleep. Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024, I wish you a day filled with safety and vibrant experiences that bring joy and inspiration. My journey to Brightwood, Washington, DC, began during my college years.  From 1995 - 1998, I conducted my visual arts workshops in numerous areas of the Brightwood community.   In my artistic endeavors, I chose to work with vibrant shades of yellow for my digital abstract painting, utilizing the paintapp software. This color selection was intentional, as yellow often symbolizes positivity and energy, which I aimed to convey through my artwork. The process of creating this piece allowed me to explore the interplay of light and form. PAST VISUAL ARTS WORKSHOP held in the Brightwood Community KUUMBA ARTS AND CRAFTS PROGRAM. D.C. Department of Recreation (Emery Recreation Center)

Vital knowledge and professional expertise

    My objective is clearly articulated: to share vital knowledge and professional expertise related to the consulting services I have been providing since 1992. I concentrate on developing media campaigns specifically designed for individuals, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Throughout my career, I have had the honor of partnering with a diverse range of clients across multiple sectors, including the arts, entertainment, media, and nonprofit domains. This broad spectrum of experience has granted me a profound insight into the distinct challenges and opportunities that each of these industries faces. The branding blog has recently undergone updates by its creator, who has been actively engaged in consulting services since 1992. With a specialization in crafting media campaigns for individuals, small enterprises, and nonprofit organizations, the creator has collaborated with clients spanning various industries. This extensive background not only highlights their versatili

Profound Azure

    Profound Azure. Digital art created on canvas. September 18, 2024. Afrika Abney  “Profound Azure embodies a deep and vibrant blue hue that conjures feelings of depth and creativity. This particular shade is not merely a color; it represents a vast expanse that invites contemplation and sparks inspiration. The richness of this blue can evoke a sense of tranquility.” Profound Azure is inspired by Profound Blue Inspiration.

Profound Blue Inspiration

     Good morning, I woke up a couple hours ago with dark colors floating within my mind from my restful sleep. “The backdrop of the predominant shade in my thoughts is a profound, rich blue that exudes a sense of creativity and sophistication.The intensity of the dark blue not only captures attention but also evokes feelings of calmness and focus. The concept of sophistication in abstract art encompasses a rich tapestry of ideas and techniques that elevate the genre beyond mere visual appeal. It involves a deep understanding of color theory, composition, and the emotional resonance of shapes and forms. The essence of creativity in abstract art lies in its ability to challenge conventional artistic norms and provoke thought that often utilize a variety of techniques, such as layering, gestural brushwork, and the interplay of light and shadow, to create dynamic compositions that captivate the viewer's attention. This freedom of expression not only reflects inner thoughts and feeling

Yellow Tranquility

       Good morning,  I woke up from my restful sleep a couple hours ago and began selecting solid colors on my digital palette using paint app. I have no idea what discussions are taking place because I tend to keep to myself while I am working from home and remaining focused on my well established routine that involves my branding and digital art. I hope that you have a safe day on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.  When incorporating soft yellow which evokes feelings of tranquility and comfort. “To cultivate a tranquil mindset, many people engage in various practices that support their emotional and spiritual well-being. Mindfulness and meditation are particularly effective, serving as vital tools for enhancing self-awareness and promoting inner peace. By dedicating time to these practices, individuals can learn to navigate their thoughts and feelings more effectively, leading to improved mental clarity and emotional strength. Even simple actions, such as focusing on one’s breath, can cr

Rain Tones

Rain Tones. Digital art created on canvas. September 16, 2024. Afrika Abney “The colors of rain, while often perceived as simply colorless, actually encompass a spectrum of grays, from the palest dove gray to a steely, almost charcoal hue. This subtle palette is dictated by the light interacting with the water droplets and the surrounding atmosphere. And speaking of rain, the forecast for this week is decidedly wet. Painting the landscape in shades of gray, from the soft mist of a drizzle to the heavier, more dramatic washes of a downpour. It's a reminder that even in the absence of vibrant hues, there's an inherent beauty in the simplicity of rain's muted tones.”

The job market in Washington, DC in 1992

    “In 1992, the job market in Washington, D.C. presented a complex landscape for African Americans, marked by both progress and persistent challenges. While the city's burgeoning government sector offered some opportunities, particularly in fields like social services and education, racial disparities remained deeply entrenched. African Americans often faced discriminatory hiring practices, limited access to higher-paying positions, and a concentration in lower-wage, service-oriented jobs. The legacy of segregation and systemic racism continued to impact employment prospects, leading to higher unemployment rates and a widening wealth gap compared to their white counterparts. However, the growing civil rights movement and increasing awareness of racial inequality fostered a climate of activism and advocacy, pushing for greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This period saw the rise of organizations and initiatives aimed at addressing these disparities, paving the way fo

Apprenticeship and Mentorship

  My formative years as a student at NationHouse were deeply influenced by the guidance of several remarkable individuals. At the young age of 11, in 1987, I had the privilege of apprenticing under Mr. Marvin Sinn and Mr. Winston Kennedy, learning valuable skills and insights from their expertise. These experiences were further enriched by the mentorship of other inspiring figures, including Mr. Ethelbert Miller and Ms. Valerie Jean. Throughout my journey at NationHouse, I was fortunate to be surrounded by individuals who fostered my growth and development. While I am unsure of the specific context or potential for confusion surrounding my background, I believe the details provided offer a clear picture of my early experiences and the individuals who played a significant role in shaping my path. Marvin Sin Leather artist, Windsor, North Carolina "Born and raised in the Bedford-Stuyvesant community of Brooklyn, New York, Marvin Sin is a cultural activist and a self-taught artist wo

Professional desires

  My professional desires are entirely independent of my past professional experiences. I have no intention of re-entering the field of educational services, a sector I have not engaged with since 2018. It is important to clarify that I have consistently communicated my decision not to return to Malcolm X Park, a place I left in 2015. Rather than making unfounded assumptions, I encourage you to refer to the insights I have shared in my earlier blog posts, where I have provided clear and accurate information. I have no idea what you are discussing, but please stop making unfounded assumptions and spreading inaccurate information. I have thrown numerous things away and am entitled to discarding things that I have no use for.  My focus is devoted towards my branding, digital art and providing services. I do not wish to be drawn back into a narrative that is rooted in my past experiences. Past Clients (Partial Listing) include: Doc Powell, Founder of the Malcolm X Drummers and Dancers Afri

Dynamic Purple

  "Dynamic Purple emphasizes the energetic aspect of the color purple.  The choice of a solid purple background serves a distinct purpose, particularly in creative endeavors. This vibrant hue not only captures attention but also evokes a sense of imagination and inspiration. The richness of the color allows for a versatile canvas.  Purple is often associated with professionalism. This color strikes a balance between the calmness of blue and the energy of red.”

Dynamic Red

  “The term Dynamic Red encapsulates the vibrant and spirited essence of the color red, indicating its role as a catalyst for innovation and creative thought. This color is frequently linked to essential qualities such as professionalism, courage, and passionate enthusiasm. As a potent emblem, red elicits intense emotions and communicates a sense of urgency and resolve. In numerous scenarios, it symbolizes the relentless pursuit of success and an unwavering dedication to achieving excellence. A carefully designed vibrant red background is intended to cultivate a space that encourages creativity and innovative thinking.”

Vibrant Commitment

  “The term "Vibrant Commitment" captures the dynamic and earnest essence of the red-orange hue, which signifies a harmonious fusion of passion and professionalism. Since 1992, I have consistently showcased my dedication to my branding, digital art, and consulting services, reflecting a deep-seated commitment to excellence in these fields. In the realm of color psychology, red-orange stands out as a powerful shade that embodies professionalism. Its striking appearance can stimulate excitement and creativity while simultaneously suggesting a level of seriousness and commitment.  Employing a solid red-orange background is a deliberate artistic choice that seeks to engage the audience on a deeper level. This particular color is known for its energetic and warm qualities, which can invigorate the senses and foster a sense of enthusiasm. In creative contexts, such a backdrop can serve as a powerful canvas.”

Luminous Moon

  Luminous Moon. Digital art created on canvas. September 15, 2024. Afrika Abney  Last night before going to sleep, I took a moment to gaze at the moon, its luminous presence casting a serene glow across the evening sky. In addition to this, I read thought-provoking quotes, which not only stimulates my mind but also enriches my creative process. Additionally, since August 8, 2024, I have been using paintapp to create my digital art before going to sleep or upon waking up from my restful sleep.  Selected Expertise & Skills: Proficient in using paintapp, Freshpaint, and Medibang for digital art creation Strong eye for detail and composition Ability to convey emotions through art Constantly seeking inspiration from nature and literature

Flyer Design

    Throughout my career, I have taken the initiative to create my own flyers, showcasing my unique design style and vision. In addition to my work, I have had the privilege of being hired by various organizations to develop flyers that effectively communicate their messages.  As a consultant, I understand the importance of delivering high-quality work that not only meets but exceeds client expectations. My commitment to excellence drives me to pay meticulous attention to detail in every design I undertake. Whether I am working on my own promotional materials or collaborating with organizations, I strive to create visually compelling flyers that capture attention and convey information clearly and effectively.

Tranquil Inspiration

  “In the realm of color psychology, blue-green is recognized for its ability to enhance creative processes. This vibrant yet soothing color can evoke feelings of serenity while simultaneously igniting a spark of imagination. In abstract painting, the use of solid colors as a background plays a crucial role in establishing the overall mood and tone of the artwork. These uniform hues can create a sense of depth and dimension, allowing the viewer to focus on the interplay of shapes and forms that emerge from the foreground. By employing solid colors, artists can evoke specific emotions or themes, guiding the audience's interpretation and engagement with the piece. The simplicity of a solid color backdrop can also serve to enhance the complexity of the abstract elements layered on top, creating a striking visual contrast that draws the eye. Ultimately, solid colors in the background contribute significantly to the narrative and aesthetic quality of abstract art, allowing for a rich ex

Past Services - Malcolm X Park

    Between the ages of 8 and 39, I spent a significant portion of my life at Malcolm X Park, from 1984 until 2015. This park served as a backdrop for my formative years, where I engaged in various activities and experiences that shaped my development. However, since my departure from the park in 2015, I have not offered any services or participated in any events related to it.

Past Educational Services

    I provided educational consulting services from 1995 - 2018 for numerous schools and organizations. Among them include Edlavitch Jewish Community Center of Washington, DC (2018), DC International School (subbed for Ms. Mireya Goni Camejo (Spanish Art Teacher) – 2016 - 2017), Higher Achievement (2003 - 2004;2013) Washington, DC - Metro, Mundo Verde Public Charter Schools (2013 - 2014), Young Playwrights' Theatre (YPT) (2012 - 2013), Roda Movements (2015),M.O.M.I.E.S TLC (2015), YWDEP (2015), Kingdom Kids Care (2013),   Joy of Motion Dance Center (2013 - 2015), Dance Institute of Washington (DIW) (2010 - 2012), and many others.   I no longer provide educational services.

Professional Fusions

      Professional Fusions. Digital art created on canvas. September 10, 2024. Afrika Abney   “Professional Fusions a blend of both colors orange and blue, representing a unique combination of professionalism and creativity.  Orange, often associated with enthusiasm and creativity, brings a vibrant energy to the professional environment, encouraging innovation and dynamic thinking.  Meanwhile, blue is widely recognized for its connotations of trust, reliability, and calmness, making it an ideal choice for fostering a sense of security and stability in professional settings.”

Blue - Yellow Fusion

    Blue - Yellow Fusion. Digital art created on canvas. September 10, 2024. Afrika Abney  The term "Blue-Yellow Fusion" signifies a harmonious combination of two distinct colors, each representing significant themes in my professional life. The color blue serves as a powerful symbol of respect in my workplace. It embodies trust and reinforces my commitment to fulfill the promises I make. This color choice reflects my dedication to maintaining integrity and accountability in all my professional interactions. On the other hand, the color yellow represents my goal for societal change regarding the treatment of petite women across America. It highlights my hope that one day, there will be a broader understanding and acceptance of the diverse body types that exist within our communities. The yellow hue serves as a reminder of the need for kindness and respect, urging society to reconsider its often rude and dismissive attitudes towards individuals who may not conform to conventio

Advocate Against Abuse

  Advocate Against Abuse. Digital art created on canvas. September 9, 2024. Afrika Abney Initially, I had no intention of creating a digital art piece that addresses the issue of verbal abuse in the workplace. However, I have come to realize that it is crucial to confront this topic, especially considering that some individuals may believe it is acceptable to raise their voices and make unfounded accusations. This behavior is absolutely unacceptable and must be challenged. Verbal abuse in any professional setting is intolerable. If you choose to communicate in a manner that disregards my worth and contributions, it is no surprise that I have chosen to distance myself from certain environments. For over three decades, I have been an advocate against verbal abuse in workplaces, consistently raising my voice to highlight the detrimental effects it has on individuals and organizational culture. Reflecting on my experiences, I remember being just 14 years old in 1991, a time when I was stil

CreativeSpectrum Consulting

  “The realm of consulting is often characterized by a specific palette of colors that convey professionalism, trust, and expertise. These colors play a crucial role in branding and visual identity, as they can significantly influence perceptions and emotions. For instance, blue is frequently utilized in consulting.Similarly, green is employed to symbolize growth and innovation, reflecting the forward-thinking nature of consulting services. In addition to blue and green, other colors such as gray and black are commonly integrated into the consulting aesthetic. Gray represents neutrality and balance, making it an ideal choice for firms that aim to project a sense of impartiality and sound judgment. Black, on the other hand, conveys sophistication. Furthermore, the choice of colors in consulting extends beyond mere aesthetics; it also plays a vital role in communication and client engagement.Colors can evoke specific emotions and reactions, which can be leveraged to create a more impactf


SkillSelect. Digital art created on canvas. September 9, 2024. Afrika Abney With a unique blend of skills in promotional marketing, consulting, digital painting, and more, I am here to help you stand out in a crowded market and connect with your target audience in a meaningful way. Selected Expertise & Skills: Promotional Marketing: Leveraging tactics to increase brand visibility and drive consumer engagement Consulting: Providing strategic guidance and solutions to clients looking to elevate their marketing efforts Digital Painting: Creating visually stunning digital artwork to enhance brand messaging Digital Strategy: Developing comprehensive strategies to reach target audiences and achieve marketing goals Blogging: Crafting compelling content that resonates with readers and drives traffic to websites Blog Creation: Building engaging blogs that serve as a platform for sharing valuable insights and information Branding: Establishing and maintaining a strong brand identity Creative

Vibrant Imperfections

     Labor Day occurred on Monday, September 2, 2024, a date that marked the creation of my work titled "Vibrant Imperfections." Quote found on the Internet “Within the sphere of abstract art, the embrace of imperfections acts as a compelling testament to the inherent beauty present in everyday lives. Each stroke of the brush and selection of color can convey a story that resonates deeply with the observer, prompting them to uncover significance within the seemingly aspects of the artwork. This exploration invites viewers to engage with the art on a personal level, fostering a connection that transcends traditional interpretations. The state of urban sidewalks and roadways often reflects a less-than-perfect reality, marked by the inevitable signs of aging and the impact of human activity. These surfaces narrate their own tales, showcasing the natural imperfections that characterize the environment. Throughout my career as a professional visual artist and art consultant, I hav