FINDING YOUR WAY FORWARD: Creating A Reconciliation Plan for You an interactive workshop with jonetta rose barras
For Self & Family
June 9, 2023
12:30-1:00 pm
A Virtual Event
FINDING YOUR WAY FORWARD: Creating A Reconciliation
Plan for You
an interactive workshop with jonetta rose barras
For Self & Family
June 9, 2023
12:30-1:00 pm
A Virtual Event
FINDING YOUR WAY FORWARD: Creating A Reconciliation
Plan for You
an interactive workshop with jonetta rose barras
Ms. Barras is the The founder Esther Productions Inc. and The National Reconciliation Week: For Self and Family. She has been leading reconciliation coaching workshops since 2004. Ms. Barras is also an award-winning author of Bridges: Reuniting Daughters and Daddies (Bancroft Press 2005) and Whatever Happened to Daddy's Little Girl: The Impact of Fatherlessness on Black Women (RandomHouse 2000).
"The National Reconciliation Week advances the concept that leading a healthy centered, balanced life requires being in touch with our emotions and understanding the effects they may have on our physical, mental and spiritual health. The process of connecting to the internal to enhance the external is what we call “reconciliation,” and can be implemented by an individual, an entire family, persons within a family or a community.
It offers individuals, families and communities an entire week to intentionally focus on the process of reconciling to effect healing from the emotional, mental and physical trauma of estrangement; to inspire better self-care, familial and community relationships; and to empower achievement of stated goals, aspirations or dreams.
It’s important to note that reconciliation is a journey--not a destination—requiring a deliberate and purposeful effort to yield positive empowering results. The NRW believes effective reconciliation can address unresolved trauma while diminishing the potential for recurring trauma. It also can assist in creating a new post-pandemic normal."
Esther Productions, Inc. is dedicated to using a variety of vehicles—traditional and nontraditional—to develop communities throughout the United States and Europe. It was created in 2004 by Jonetta Rose Barras, award-winning journalist and author of Whatever Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl? -